What people are saying about Becoming Me: Thriving Beyond Divorce

What people are saying about Becoming Be: Thriving Beyond Divorce

“This course came at a very intense time in my life. I was in the middle of a separation, grieving the loss of a parent and very concerned about my children navigating these challenges, too. Steph’s course was a warm light in this darkness. During our 1:1 sessions, I gained a deeper understanding of myself in this moment. Steph truly has a gift of listening, asking deep questions and providing insight that I didn’t reach on my own. I remember frequently saying, “I’d never thought of it that way,” or “I never made that connection before.”

I was also surprised to find such a deep bond with the other women in the group. I really looked forward to our group sessions. While our stories are all unique, many of us have walked similar roads in the challenges of our marriages. There was such comfort in not being alone in this. Even though we haven’t met in person (yet!), knowing that we were all coming together in a safe space to share our feelings, felt really special and sacred.

Steph truly has a gift of listening, asking deep questions and providing insight that I didn’t reach on my own.”

– Elizabeth

I feel so lucky to have attended the Becoming Me – Thriving Beyond Divorce course hosted by Steph Kafoury. This course helped me slow down, regroup, and focus on how I wanted to navigate the difficult process of divorce. Steph helped me clarify my goals and purpose, and I left the course feeling empowered and grateful. Steph lifts you up so you can remember who you are and how you want to show up in this world.

– Ashley

Stephanie did such a beautiful job of creating a nurturing and connecting space for our group, bringing loving attention, curiosity and even humor to our sessions. I especially appreciated how she met us on a human level, sharing her personal experience while also offering deep wisdom and practical strategies for our own journeys. I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with her.


I am so thankful for Steph! Joining this support group, Becoming me, Thriving Beyond Divorce, came at a time in my life when I had no idea how much I needed this support. Steph is such a natural as a leader and life coach. She has a gift as an incredible listener and has so much compassion and understanding. I always felt heard. Steph created a very safe space within our group of incredible women, which helped me feel that I wasn’t alone in this journey to finding me. I absolutely 100% would recommend Steph!
